Your business needs new offices?
SCOPE offers you a customized solution.

Our modern offices up to 2’000m², small offices starting from 50m fulfil all demands. The inviting prime location to the Rhein and the excellent situation also satisfies demanding requirements. An outstanding economic environment as well as ideal conditions for your employees – all this can be found in your new premises at SCOPE.

SCOPE – succeed with your business.


Your business needs new offices or a commercial premises?
SCOPE offers you a customized solution.

Our modern offices up to 2’000m², small offices starting from 50m² or commercial areas up to 1’700m² fulfil all demands. The inviting prime location to the Rhein and the excellent situation also satisfies demanding requirements. An outstanding economic environment as well as ideal conditions for your employees – all this can be found in your new premises at SCOPE.

SCOPE – succeed with your business.


Your business needs new offices or a commercial premises?
SCOPE offers you a customized solution.

Our modern offices up to 2’000m², small offices starting from 50m² or commercial areas up to 1’700m² fulfil all demands. The inviting prime location to the Rhein and the excellent situation also satisfies demanding requirements. An outstanding economic environment as well as ideal conditions for your employees – all this can be found in your new premises at SCOPE.

SCOPE – succeed with your business.


Available areas

Flexible office space directly to the Rhein

Floor space from 24 m² 

more on Homegate >>

Freie FlächeFreie Fläche

Flexible office space directly to the Rhein

Floor space from 306 m² – 1161 m² 

more on Homegate >>

ScopeFreie Fläche

Flexible office space directly to the Rhein

Floor space from 60 m² 

more on Homegate >>

Freie FlächeScope

Moderate corporate taxes and subsidies

With a total tax burden of 12 – 12.5 percent, Schaffhausen is one of the most attractive business locations worldwide.

In Schaffhausen, companies with innovative projects benefit from cantonal incentives and tax breaks.  These exist in the form of tax breaks or individual company subsidies and can be applied for by both newly founded and established companies.

You can find more information on moderate business taxes and subsidies


Get in touch.

    Please prove you are human by selecting the Heart.

    Our team will be happy to answer any questions concerning construction, fit-out or commercial matters. We are there to assist you with our team to realize your personal needs.
